How to Manage Many Domains at Once in Advanced View

Using the advanced view in your account you can manage many domains with a single click. This is especially useful for users with a large portfolio of domain names.

Get to Advanced View

To find advanced view, follow these steps:

  1. After logging in, click “Domain” in the left navigation menu.

  2. Next to the search bar click the button that says “Advanced View.” If the button is dark blue you are already in advanced view.

Select Multiple Domains

In advanced view you will see a checkbox next to each domain. You can click on each checkbox to select the domains you want to edit.

If you want to edit all domains at once click on the empty checkbox in the top of the table, next to the label “Domain.”

Narrow Your List Using Search Filters

You can also use search filters to limit your domain list to only domains that fit certain criteria.

To do this, select “Filters” next to the search bar. Then, enter your desired criteria.

Search filter options include:

  • Organization - Limit the list to only domains managed by a specific Gandi organization.

  • Extensions - Limit the list to only domains ending in a specific extension.

  • Owner & Contacts - Limit the list to only domains owned by a specific individual, or by a specific contact on a domain.

  • Expires - Limit the list to only domains that expire within a set amount of time. You can choose from these presets: next 30 days, next 60 days, next 90 days, or Expired. Or, you can enter a specific date range in the “From” and “To” fields.

  • Website pack subscription - Limit the list only to domains that do or do not have a website pack subscription.

  • Under reseller - Limit the list only to domains that are or are not managed by a reseller.

  • DNSSEC - Limit the list to domains that have DNSSEC activated.

  • Show domains allowed to lapse - Include domains that have been set to lapse.

  • Tags - Limit the list to only domains with a specific tag.

  • Mailbox Service - Limit the list to domains having at least one standard Mailbox and / or at least one or more Premium Mailbox, or no mailbox at all.

  • Transfer Lock - Limit the list to only domains that have transfer lock enabled or disabled.

  • Automatic renewal - Limit the list to domains that have automatic renewal enabled or disabled.

  • Nameservers Type - Limit the list to only domains using a specific type of nameservers.

  • Linked Zone - Limit the list to all domains that are linked or unliked, or only list domains in a particular linked zone.

Once you have applied your search options you can click the checkbox in the title row of the list, next to “Domain,” to select all the domains that meet that criteria.

Apply Bulk Actions

Once you have selected all the domains you want to manage, you can choose the action you want to perform on all selected domains.

A dialog will appear at the bottom of the page with the options available. Follow the links below to learn about each option.

  • Renew - Renew the selected domains.

  • Automatic Renewal - Manage automatic renewal options.

  • Export - Export data for selected domains. You can select DNS records, all other data or a Mailboxes list.

  • Manage Contacts - Clicking this menu button gives you the following options.
    • Update Contacts - Make changes to the official contacts listed for the domains.

    • Edit owner information- Edit owner contact information, such as address, phone number, and so on, except for the name of the legal owner of the domain.

    • Change Owner - Change the legal owner listed for the domain.

  • Configure - Clicking this menu button gives you the following options.

If you select the “Restorable” tab at the top of the page you can also use the same process to restore many domains at once.