What Sizes of SSL Certificates Are Available?

In addition to choosing between different levels of authentication (Standard, Pro, or business), you can also choose different size options for each type of certificate.

Single Address

Available for: Standard, Business

As the name implies, a single address certificate will cover only a single full address, such as “www.example.com.” If you wish to cover additional addresses at the same domain name, such as “blog.example.com” or “shop.example.com” you would either need to purchase additional certificates or purchase a full domain certificate.

A single address certificate will also cover the corresponding www for a bare domain, and vice versa. For example, purchasing a single domain certificate for example.com will also cover www.example.com, and likewise a certificate for www.example.com will also cover example.com.


If you purchase a single address certificate and verify your domain using a file, you must create a file at both the www and the bare domain to have both covered by the certificate.

Several Addresses

Available for: Standard, Business

A certificate for several addresses allows you to include a list of domains to cover with a single certificate. This can be more cost-effective than buying individual certificates for each domain. This cannot be combined with a full domain certificate, so each subdomain will count towards the total number of domains. Unlike the full domain certificate, it can include entirely different domain names. The same certificate could cover “www.example.com”, “www.example.org”, “shop.example.com”, “www.domain.com”, and so on, with each address counting as a single address.

Gandi offers the following sizes for both Standard and Business certificates:

  • Up to 3 domains

  • Up to 5 domains

  • Up to 10 domains

  • Up to 20 domains

Full Domain

Available for: Standard, Pro

A full domain certificate will cover all subdomains at a single address. For example, getting this size certificate for “*.example.com” will cover “www.example.com”, “blog.example.com”, “shop.example.com”, and any other subdomains on a single address.

A full domain certificate will not cover sub-subdomains. For example, a certificate for “*.fr.example.com” will only cover addresses that end with “.fr.example.com” and would not cover “www.tw.example.com”, “shop.cn.example.com”, and so on.