How to Delete a Gandi Web Hosting

In most cases the web hosting will remain available until the end of the current subscription, at which time it will be permanently deleted. Legacy web hostings that were created prior to the current subscription model may be deleted immediately, please be sure to read any warning messages carefully before confirmation the deletion.

You can request to delete your Web Hosting at any time. To do so, navigate to the Overview tab on your web hosting’s management page.

Next, click on the three-dot menu in the top-right, and then select the Delete option.

Confirm the deletion by entering the name of the web hosting, and then click on the Delete button.

If you took advantage of the free domain name offer, and you have continued the subscription for at least tow months, the domain name associated with your web hosting will remain in your account as a regular domain name which you can continue to renew at your own cost. If the subscription existed for the less than two months the domain name will be deleted.