How to Install Mumble on a Gandi Cloud Server

Mumble is a multi-platform voice chat system that can work on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Mumble provides an easy way to talk to colleagues, friends, and students. Initially used by the online gaming community, Mumble servers are perfect for all voice exchanges, and can be installed in a few minutes on a Gandi Cloud server.


This installation tutorial was tested on a Gandi Cloud server running Ubuntu 18.04, while usage tests were performed with the Mumble 1.3.0 client on Linux and Windows.

Step 1 : Install Your Mumble Server

Fortunately, there is a package already included in the Ubuntu repositories, making the installation relatively simple. Type the following command as a user with root privileges:

$ sudo apt-get install mumble-server

Step 2 : Mumble Server Setup

To configure your Mumble server run the following command:

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure mumble-server

The three choices are presented in the order below:

  • Choose if Mumble should be automatically launched when your server starts (YES by default).

  • Choose if Mumble has the right to use the maximum amount of server resources to guarantee good sound quality (NO by default).

  • Choose a password for the SuperUser, who will have full privileges from the client if necessary.

You can also edit the configuration file to fine tune more configuration options.

To do this, edit the /etc/mumble-server.ini configuration file with your favorite editor.

$ vim /etc/mumble-server.ini

All configuration variables are commented out with lines starting with a #. Remove the “#” for variables you want to activate. Do not remove this sign unless you want to activate the variable.

The following are some configuration options you may find useful:

  • To require users to enter a pasword to join your Mumble server, find the line “serverpassword= ” and add the desired password.

  • To personalize the welcome message for your Mumble server, look for the line starting with “welcometext= ” and enter your message. The message can contain simple HTML.

  • To modify the maximum number of simultaneous users on your Mumble server look for the line “users=100” and modify the value according to your use-case. Even though Mumble can support a large number of users, you may find it helpful to limit the number of simulatenous users, especially if your server is not password-protected.

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