How to create a new account on Gandi

First time at Gandi? Learn how to create an account at and manage the first important steps.


Creating an account on is easy. The first step is the “Create an account” button on the Gandi administration page. To go to this page from the Gandi website, just click on the “Log in” button, on the top right of any page. You will be redirected directly to the login page, and the button is on the bottom of the page.

Or you can just follow this link :


When on the creation page, you will have to choose a username, an email address and a password.


This should not be a mail address et must only be composed of letters, numbers and the “-” characters (the one from the “6”). It is good to know that all usernames are uniques in our system. So, if you choose a too simple username, it can already have been taken. You will have to choose a complex enough username so it can’t be guessed easily, but simple enough so you have no issue remembering it.

Email address

As the username, the mail address should be unique in our system. This address, called “security email”, will be the main address of your account. It will be used for security of the account (reinforced security), to recover your account in case you loose password or other additional mean of security. It will be used for all Gandi’s communications regarding your account. If you get a message indicating the email address is already in use, try to recover your account, or use another mail address. “Dynamic aliases” like “”name+reference@€” are accepted, but verify your mail provider accepts them.

If you ever encounter an issue, do not hesitate to contact our customer care service.


This will be the first step in securing your account. Avoid using a password you have already set on another website. Avoid common phrases or dates, given names or other elements shared on social networks. Prefer a mix of letters, numbers and special characters. You can use an extension, an external application or an internal functionality of your browser to remember this password, but in this case, we invite you to use an additional security method, such as described here.


All you need now is to check the checkbox to accept ` General Terms and Conditions of Services <>`_ and Terms of use, then clicking on “Sign up” to begin using Gandi as your registrar.


Please check your mailbox. A message will be sent with subject “[Gandi][Action required] Welcome to Gandi”. This message contains a link (or button) to confirm the validity of your email address. This step is mandatory to activate fully your account. Without validation, your account will be blocked seven days later.

If you don’t receive this message, please check your spam folder. If you don’t find it, we recommend using another mail address, as it is possible that the current one might have too strict antispam rules. This can result in issues in the future.

If you “miss” this step, you can always finalize it from your account, after logging. A “card” with a link to resent the email is displayed on your dashboard. The process allows you to change the email address if necessary.

My account is blocked

If you let the delay pass and your account is locked, you will always be able to log in, but you will arrive at a specific page to continue the validation process. You can always pass it, using the “Home ( ⌂ )” button on top of the page, but we recommend that you validate the address as soon as possible.

Problems Logging In

You can fill a dedicated page about the possible issues here :

Secure Authentication and Recovery

Gandi allow the use of various means to secure your accesses to your account, like “physical” keys or double Authentication (TOTP). All these methods can be used to secure your account.

Some of these means can be used as identification validation in recovery processes. Other means of recovery are available too. Best is to take a look at our documentation :

And now

Now that you have created the access to your Gandi administration, and before beginning your purchases, we recommend that you complete the data necessary for invoicing your products.

If you intend to purchase products as a natural person

The “personal” organization representing you as a natural person is automatically created when you create an account, but without any personal information. It is displayed with your username as “display name” and a “[ME]” tag.

To complete it, once logged into your account, click on “ORGANIZATIONS” on the left menu, then click on your username, or use the button “Manage ⚙” to the right.

You can find more information here :


Even if you do not plan to purchase products for yourself, we advise you to complete the data of your personal organization. If it proves necessary to verify the ownership of the account via an identity document, it will be simpler to do so via this data.